Bob Hahn l CA
What is your hidden talent?
Artistic. I love sculpting; forging metal and glassware, like gates and vases.
If you weren’t an accountant, you would be:
A pilot. No question! Want to fly the fastest military jet straight up and straight down.
Something you’d never guess about me is:
I’ve delivered over 700-800 calves over a 15 year period.
If I won the lottery, the first thing I would buy would be:
A plane, then a sailboat and then angus genetics.
If you could have any band play at your backyard BBQ, who would it be?
Mick Jagger and the The Rolling Stones.
How would your team describe you if you weren’t around?
High energy, visionary and big picture thinker, and strategic
Big picture thinker, excellent negotiation skills, client focused, growth driven and thrives when facing new challenges.