The Ernst and Young awards are the Olympics of Entrepreneurship. Awarded annually in Calgary, they recognize companies that have climbed into greatness one innovative rung at a time. Winning one is a big deal, and this year 20% of the winners were clients of HLH.
This year, the “Health and Wellness” award went to Fitter International Inc., home of Fitterfirst. Fitter, and its impassioned Founder and President, Louis Stack, makes balance and stability products for workplaces and homes.
Louis is a true entrepreneur. A dedicated downhill ski racer, Louis was sidelined with an injury in 1984 and was desperate to get off crutches, regain his balance after multiple surgeries and get back onto the hills.
With $3000 borrowed from his single-parent mother, he and his brother built the first working prototype of the Pro Fitter 3D Cross trainer. It caught on, and his business journey began.
I chatted with Louis about Fitter’s mission, the honour of their award, and HLH’s impact on the company. The interview was an invigorating glimpse into Louis’s vision not just for his company, but for all the people his company impacts.
“Toothbrushes for Balance”
You don’t start brushing your teeth once you have a cavity, explained Louis. Their effectiveness comes from us using them in our daily routine. It’s the same with balance. Fitter’s products enhance balance and stability daily, along with all the associated health benefits.
Louis introduced me to his friend, S.A.M.: “Practice Stability in daily living to improve Agility at play and to enhance Mobility for life.” It’s his success blueprint, and captures the core idea that if we incorporate balance into our daily routine, we’ll be able to play harder and enjoy more freedom for longer.
Fitter will go into workplaces with an arsenal of core building chairs, standing boards, and adjustable desks. The office they outfit take workplace wellness seriously, and tend to reap increased productivity as a result.
Visit their website to see their line of products: Fitter Website
Louis Stack’s Story: Speed, Balance, and Aging Gracefully
Not your Typical Accountant
If you’ve ever met Bob Hahn, you know that he’s unlike any other accountant. A fellow entrepreneur, he discovered Louis in 2002 and the two hit it off.
Like Louis, Bob puts vision first. Louis describes him as a dynamic and dedicated to Fitter’s success. He wasn’t just passionate about the business, but about the products, as well. You’ll find Fitter products around every corner of HLH, and ideas of workplace wellness permeate across the office.
Louis reiterated what I’ve often heard about Bob, namely that he connects with innovators on a deep level. He “gets” entrepreneurs and offers tools to help them make sense of their company’s financials so that they can make better decisions. It’s about more than balance sheets with Bob; it’s about digging into the numbers and finding out where to cut, shift and grow to save money overall.
Watch The Awards Video: